Sunday, May 12, 2024

Overview of the changes introduced in the revised Commercial Code of Ethiopia


Why revision? 

q  Commercial law plays crucial role in regulating the practice of the economic community and thereby ensuring the existence of the smooth, stable and fair Commercial practice, the revision of the old Commercial Code is an encouraging legal development that will hopefully bring a positive impact in the Commercial arena.

q  In this regard, it may not be difficult to imagine the factors that induced the revision of the old Commercial Code as there have been significant changes over the last five to six decades as to the types and manner of conducting business.

q  Technological advancement, globalization, the emergence of the new commercial activities that have not been under the umbrella of Commercial activities, for one or another reasons, can be some of the reasons that have necessitated the revision


q  The ECC has outlived the estimated life span given to it by its drafters. The drafters of the code did not intend the code would remain enforce for such long time.

q  Changes taking place in the rest of the world, especially those occurring in investor countries necessitated to be reflected in our code.

q  Particularly, the need to be sufficiently reflect development in information, and communication technology; recognition of new forms bos etc.

q  The foreign commercial code based on which the code was originally drafted had undergone many rounds of revisions

q  The revision process has been there for quite a long time.

q  The amendment is introduced at the time whereby the Ethiopian government takes other initiatives aimed at changing its overall legal environment.

q  The new commercial code did not completely change everything from the old, though there are many important changes introduced.


Changes introduced

Structure of the Code

q  The major changes made in the new Commercial Code starts with the structure of the Code since the part of the old Commercial Code that deals with Banking, Insurance and negotiable instruments were taken out of the new Commercial code. 

q  The old Code contains:

q  Book I Traders and Businesses Articles 1-209

q  Book II Business Organizations Articles 210-560

q  Book III Carriage and Insurance Articles 561-714

q  Book IV Negotiable Instruments and Banking Transactions Articles 715-967

q  Book V Bankruptcy and Schemes of Arrangement Article 968-1170

Book VI Transitory Provisions Articles 1171-1182            

q  Thus, the Code has been separated into commercial code and financial services code. Thus,

q  Book I (on traders), Book II (on business organizations) and Book V (on bankruptcy) of the old code are now enacted as Commercial Code.

q  Book III (on carriage & insurance) and Book IV (on banking and negotiable instruments) from the old are to be separately enacted as Financial Services Code, the latter yet to promulgated.

q  Formerly, the laws that regulate Banking Business, Insurance and negotiable instruments existed in a dispersed manner with some aspects of these businesses being regulated under the Commercial Code while other aspects were regulated by proclamations.

q  The amendment has replaced only Book I, Book II, and Book V. The articles in the other books will remain effective. Thus, the old commercial code will remain in force in relation to Book III and IV, until the Financial Services Code is approved by the Parliament.

q  In relation to Business Organizations, the most important introduction is the recognition of ‘One man Company’ and Limited Liability Partnership.’ 

q  The new Commercial Code permits the formation of a one-person company which is a business organization incorporated by the unilateral declaration of a single person. (174 (7))

q  It enjoys a legal personality autonomous or separate from the person forming it and its liability is limited to the extent of the contribution that the person makes into the company.

q  (Art. 534 ff,) (Art. 537 importance of nominee) (Art. 538 on conversion), (Art. 539 it can not form another one-man company) (Art. 543. Exception to Liability of the Member) (Art. 544. Peculiarity regarding Dissolution and Liquidation) (Art. 545. Applicability of Rules governing PLC to one-man plc)

q  Consequently, one individual person is able to form a limited company, the form which is form very suitable to sole proprietors.


q  Ordinary partnership is eliminated.

q  There has always been confusion as to the nature and purpose of an ordinary partnership due its characterization as a non-commercial business organization.

q  No business has been organized in this form making it meaningless to retain.

q  Introduction of limited liability partnership (Art, 174, 221)

q  The introduction of LLP has an important role in facilitating to bring professionals together and thereby enable them to join their professional expertise together and render professional service with higher quality.

q  Regulation of group of companies: it acknowledges the structuring option of setting up groups of companies including wholly owned subsidiary. (Art. 550 ff,  601)

q  It provides a definition for a Group, Subsidiary companies. See art. 550-554 ff

q  The Code defined Group as consisting of a set of companies comprising of the parent company and all its national and foreign subsidiaries, unless otherwise indicated,

q  whereas a Subsidiary is defined as a company subjected to the control of another company, the “Parent” company, either directly or indirectly through another subsidiary.

q  The Code defines control as the power to govern, alone or with other shareholders, the financial and operating policies of a subsidiary.

q  A more nuanced definition is provided for branch company as well.  (Arts. 578, 108) 

q  Has recognized holding companies as traders (Arts. 9, 431), though they do not necessarily produce goods or service but merely holds shares in other companies by injecting capital into such companies.

q  Merger and Divisions: Unlike the Old Code, the New Code has introduced definition of merger and divisions explicitly and provided for the various ways that they take place. Art. 565…ff

q  Provisions of the section dealing with merger and division have to be seen in the light of their compatibility with the competition law regime which governs them currently.

q  The new Code also has detailed provisions on the Bankruptcy issue in line with international standards as opposed to the former Code that contained only few  provisions.

q  Book V Bankruptcy and Schemes of Arrangement Article 968-1170

q  In addition to providing detailed provisions on bankruptcy procedure, the new Code also provided procedure for insolvency. 


q  Distinction as commercial and non-commercial business organizations abolished.

q  These days the legal significance of demarcating business organizations into civil and commercial does not carry the weight that it used to have in the earlier times.

q  The demise of this traditional difference reveals itself in the move many nations take.  

q  The introduction of supervisory board Art. 331

q  The other new introduction into the new Commercial Code is the adoption of a optional two tier Board of Directors structure of a Share Company by introducing ’Management Board’ and Supervisory Board. 

q  Introduction of SB can be considered as a move towards stakeholders’ approach.

q  It also advances the Corporate Governance of the Companies.

q  The permission of outside/non-shareholder directors Art. 296 (2).

q  In addition to introducing two tier Board of Directors, the new law has also introduced non- shareholder members of the Board of Directors as opposed to the former Code that requires being a share- holder to be a member of a Board of Director. 

q  The right of members of a PLC to form a Board as a management body is clearly recognized (Art. 513)

q  Attempted to separate executive and non-executive directors. See art. 296 (1) (514 (2) for PLC).


Definition of traders

  [Art. 5 Old Code] Persons who professionally and for gain carry on any of the following activities shall be deemed to be traders

  [Art. 5 the Draft Code] Persons who professionally and for gain carry on, among others, any of the following activities as trade shall be deemed to be traders.

  [Art. 5 the New Code] Persons who professionally and for gain carry on any of the following activities or similar activities shall be deemed to be traders.

  What is the difference between the old, draft and new codes?


Commercial Activities

  In the old code the lists of activities considered as commercial was meant to be exhaustive, the new code’s list is meant to be indicative or illustrative.

  So, according to the new Code, the concerned authority may designate a given activity as commercial though not listed.

  Under the old Code, new activity could only be added by other special laws.

  See Art. 2 (2) of Commercial Registration and Licensing Proclamation No.980/2016 ““business person” means any person who professionally and for gain carries on any of the activities specified in the Commercial Code or who dispenses services, or who carries on those commercial activities designated as such by law

  Activities expanded from 21 in old Code to 37 in the new.

  What are the new activities added to the list and why?


Technology recognition and Further Changes

  In relation to  different kinds of meetings of Share Companies, the new law recognized electronic meetings.

  Meetings via video conference or other means of communications have been recognized as legitimate  

  This is a good effort in modernizing the trade environment in line with technological advancement. (Art. 520, 493 (2))

  The new code also requires Share Company to have a website.  Art. 492 (detail regulation 493 ff)

  The Code retains the key obligation of traders to keep books of account exempting what it refers to “petty traders” to be defined in a special law.

  But, it also recognized the possibility to keep books of account supported by modern technology while eliminating the provisions detailing how journals, balance sheet and inventories are to be organized which out-dated.

  While the obligation to register business does exist in the old Code, the new Code requires the registrations at the Federal Register and the Regional Register.

  It also imposes an obligation on the Ministry of Trade and Industry to establish a federal level electronic database accessible to the public online.



  Article of association is no more required to establish Business organization.

  Incorporation will be effected by the memorandum of association alone together with other documentations.

  In practice the two document requirement served little purpose as incorporators often reproduced the same instrument with two names.

  This will make company formation simpler.

  Separate provisions provided for founders and promoters. 


Minority Shareholders

  Compared to the 1960 Commercial Code, the amended Commercial Code has made notable improvements in terms of protecting the interests of minority shareholders in share companies such as:-

  Article 292: New provision on mandatory bid- under this provision when a single shareholder acquires 90% or more of the shares of a company, a minority shareholder can compel such controlling shareholder to buy his/her shares

  Article 328: The right to institute action against directors- Ethiopian law doesn’t allow derivative suit by shareholder on behalf of the company

  Article 351- minority shareholders representing at least 10 of the share capital can request the auditor of the company to convene a general meeting of shareholders. 20% in the old code.

  Article 366(3)-Only 5% shareholding is enough to request the court to order the convocation of a general meeting of shareholders. 10% in the old.

  Article 381 & 382-access to documents:- the biggest obstacle for minority shareholders is accessing documents to prove suspicions of mismanagement. Various requirements in the old code.

  Article 396-special inspection/audit:-shareholders representing 10% shares can request the company or the court to appoint a special inspector to investigate suspicious transactions.








OPC One Person Company OPC, One Man Company OMC in Ethiopian Commercial Code 2024


Included Business Organization (OMC, OPC One Man/Person Company, LLP Limited Liability Partnership) In Ethiopian Commercial Code

About OPC (the One-Person Company)

Dr. Taddese Lencho           Prepared by Yewubdar Tefera Belete

First of all, an OPC is not a cement product, not exclusively anymore anyways. It’s a shorthand for one of the two new forms of business organizations added to a family of business organizations by the new Commercial Code of Ethiopia, the other being the limited liability partnership (“LLP”).

The legal recognition of OPC may give it a veneer of novelty but a two-person PLC had always effectively been a one-person company ever since a PLC was put in use as a commercial entity. The second member of PLC, as we all know, has been a ceremonial bride who appears on legal documents to fulfill formal appearances of the law but disappears from all consequential decisions affecting the company and its relationships with third parties. The ceremonial PLC member would not have known if her death had been pronounced right there in her presence. Those who have taken a “company” seriously have for a long time believed in the absurdity of 50 million worth capital investor needing a “100 br contributor” in order to provide a security of legal personality in the eyes of the law.

With OPC, the law has to catch up with the reality (as the law usually does, playing catch-up) and put an end to the pretence by formally recognizing an arms’ length OPC. In short, the OPC as a commercial vehicle removes the need for the superfluous “other”.

To incorporate an OPC, all that a person (the incorporator) has to do are two things (the rest are details for check-the-box-ers): 1) A charter (declaration) with a committed capital and nominee, and 2) a promise and commitment of staying one’s hands from mingling personal affairs with the affairs of the OPC. OPC incorporators that wish to manage an OPC as if it were their personal property should watch out as there are legal consequences to breach of the second promise above. Incorporators that dare to sneak out their long arms from behind the corporate veil in the management of an OPC should expect the long arm of the law to pull them out into the open and hold them to account. So, Caveat Incorporators!

I have read somewhere suggested that an OPC was intended by the lawmakers (the perennial alibis for lawyers) for natural persons only. No such limitation is placed in the Commercial Code. In fact, the OPC as a commercial vehicle was designed principally for foreign companies that desire to incorporate a 100% subsidiary in Ethiopia but had to go through the needless requirement of another member or affiliate for establishing a limited liability company in Ethiopia. An OPC may undoubtedly become an entity of choice for the relative-rich Ethiopians, but it is even more useful for foreign companies and foreign individual investors. No longer should foreign companies and investors be required to find a pair in order to incorporate a subsidiary in Ethiopia, and no longer should their affairs be thrown into legal uncertainties every time the “superfluous other” falls out with the company, disappears or dies. One less member means one less resolution, one less authentication and notarization, and the end of numerous uncertainties that come on the Achilles’ heel of the second member. That is in short what ease of doing business means or should mean.

One-Person Company, Late but Critical Addition to Commercial Code

By Yehualashet Tamiru Tegegn

The current Commercial Code, enacted in 1960, was ahead of its time considering Ethiopia's stage of development. Six decades later, many things have changed, making an amendment necessary. In particular, this is true following the adoption of a mixed economy by Ethiopia since the 1990s and the free market bent of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s (PhD) administration.

The existing Code contains many provisions that are difficult to implement and subject to different interpretations and applications. Moreover, to improve the commercial activities and the living standard of citizens, revising the existing law that strikes the right balance between investors, traders and consumers is imperative. The amendment of the Code was long overdue.

One of the many things the new draft Commercial Code introduces is a one-person company. A person can currently do business only in the form of a sole proprietorship if he wants to go at it alone.

Various factors necessitate the recognition of a one-person company. First and foremost, the existing gap becomes increasingly evident between the prohibition of one-person companies and the permission of companies that have nominally two members. In this circumstance, the majority of the shares can be held by a single shareholder, up to 99pc in fact.

The legal prohibition of the one-person company can also be easily evaded so that the actual founding member relies on the services of one or more persons, formally undertaking some role in the company without the need for them to engage in substance. Members involved in the company but having no concrete function with symbolic shares can become a source of problems and quarrels for a real shareholder.

As a result, the existence of de facto one-person companies has raised a series of problems that the legislature could not avoid addressing by the prohibition of the one-person company.

By allowing natural persons to set up one-person companies in the form of limited liability, a distinct legal personality from the member, a part of the population would find a means of integration into the economy. This will positively impact small enterprises, where entrepreneurs will not have as much a reason to fear that they will lose all their property as a consequence of an eventual abortive business transaction.

Unlike the current Code, which defines a business organisation as an association between two or more persons, the draft indicates that a business organisation is an association established through a memorandum by persons – plural. Notwithstanding this, the Code goes on to define a one-person company as an association.

Recognised as a business organisation, it is also indicated that a one-person company shall also acquire legal personality upon registration in a commercial register. As a corollary to this, it has a legal personality separate and distinct from that of the member.

There are, however, serious concerns as to the appropriateness of such business organisations as it leads to manipulation. Thus, to avert this risk, the draft follows a hybrid form of liability. In principle, the owner of the company is not liable for any claim triggered by the company. Despite this, in cases where the owner committed certain acts, it will be jointly and severely liable with the company.

Some of these crimes include the commission of an unlawful act that intentionally jeopardises the company's interests or its creditors; merger of the assets of the company with his or her property; and failure to separate once owned legal personality from that of the company.

The owner of such a company is also not allowed to establish another one-person company. If the member violates this, any interested party may apply to the court with jurisdiction at the place of incorporation for its dissolution. In such a case, the single shareholder and the company shall be jointly and severely liable for any damage incurred by creditors or any other person owing to this provision's infringement.

The draft, however, has its flaws. It for one does not recognise the transmission of shares. The lawmaker wants business organisations to be successful and the transactions to be secured and predictable. That is the main purpose of a business organisation to have a separate and distinct legal personality from the shareholders. However, the greatest threat in the case of one-person companies is that it may be dissolved if the shareholder becomes incapable or dies. Thus, to avert the risk of dissolution, the law should insert an obligatory provision to insert a successor if the shareholder dies or is incapable.

On top of this, the draft is silent on the critical issue of de facto conversion of private limited companies (PLC) into the one-person company.

What if a member of a PLC or share company or other forms of partnership is reduced to one?

As it stands now, only the company or the partnership will be dissolved. However, in other jurisdictions, if the number of members of a limited company falls to one, or if an unlimited company with only one member becomes a limited company, on re-registration, the company becomes a company having only one member.

This flexibility will add all the more to the ease of doing business.